Sunday, February 6, 2011


Memory is an insidious and persistent mistress. It binds the moments of our lives together, it's the all-pervading narrative of our existence. Without memory we're pretty much buggered. But It can slowly twist and writhe with time, influenced by many internal and external factors, until your memory of an event is drastically different to the actual event.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Last Airbender: A dismal offering.

So...the Last Airbender. It was pretty disjointed as they tried to fit in a whole series of the cartoon into 1hr 45mins, even though they had to miss out more than half of the suffered from under-development of characters and storyline, just cos they couldn't fit in everything relevant to make you care about them, resulting in an uninvolving film that left you slightly perplexed and somewhat cold about what actually happens to the good guys.
I recommend you go and watch the cartoon; it's worth investing more of your time in it, there's a brilliant, engaging and imaginative story already there. Which makes this film extraneous to requirement, except maybe as an advert to draw peeps to the cartoon series. Oh, this film was only the first series, by the way; there are going to be two sequels...

Thanks to Suley for introducing me to the cartoon :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Black guy off the We Buy Any Car advert
Craig David
young Tom Selleck
Evan Davis

Thursday, August 5, 2010



I had a wicked dream this morning, it was about two guys with jet-propelled snowboards with delta-wings like fighter planes.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010



Rainbows, oxytocin, hugs, kisses, laughter (but not evil laughter), beauty, the smell of rain on warm concrete in the summer, Gok Wan, positivity, compliments, looking up at the sky and seeing a vast expanse of stars or clouds that terrifies and exhilarates me

Interviews, pain, injustice, ignorance, arrogance, evil, job searching, when I'm peeling a banana and it splits on the other side of the stick at the top

Car drivers: I hate people

20/07/10: Soft-top purple Escort, driven by a lady, her sallow skin wizened before her years, overtaking me on the ring road.

05/08/10: Bright yellow VW Transporter with blacked-out windows riding my arse on the motorway. Back off, titface.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Beauty occurs in the most unlikely places

19/07/2010: I was driving down the split-level section of the M5 between Portishead and Clevedon. It was lashing down with rain but the clouds parted and in my rear-view mirror I saw a really strong rainbow arching over the motorway; it seemed to be following the contour of the land on which the road is constructed. It was stunning. I wish I could have captured it on camera, but going 70MPH kinda precludes that option...still, I've got that vivid memory in my mind, and that counts for more doesn't it? A memory is something that nothing can take away from you, except old age, disease and blunt force trauma.

02/08/2010:  Running through the woods near my home; the early evening air was heavy with the scent of buddleia. Every ragged breath I drew smelled awesome; it almost seemed worth the trouble. Of course it was worth it; today was my first day back at work, and I've been sat in an anodyne call centre stuffing envelopes. I craved nature.